People THIS selfish definitely go on the "Naughty" List.

I heard a movie quote the other night that made me cackle.*

"I never had children. Sometimes I wonder if I wish I should have."

It reminded me of the time I was chatting with Rosalba, the gal who cleaned the cooking studio at which I used to work, about the fact that I had no plans to be a mom.

"Oh? You're very selfish, aren't you?" she asked, seemingly unaware that maybe she shouldn't say every thought she has out loud.

I blinked at her for a few moments before replying, "Yes. Yes, I am."

And unapologetically so, because I have never once wavered about this decision. If that means I'm selfish, then so be it.

Another thing that makes me unapologetically selfish?

My podcast.

Oh sure, I create content that makes people write things like this:

And this:**

But to tell you the truth, Reader, I do the podcast because it allows me to meet my heroes. And if I play my cards right, walk away from the interview as friends.

That's precisely what happened with this week's guest, whom I've been cyberstalking following for over a year, marveling at her explosive growth and mind-boggling prolificness. (It's a word, I looked it up).

The best part of meeting her was discovering that she is also a whole vibe. Eternally optimistic, eloquent, full of wisdom, and actual proof that you don't have to leave any of your passions on the table.

Ironwoman, mother of two humans and a fur baby, public speaker, author of 4 books this year(!) and speaker of 6 languages, Veronica Llorca-Smith is a force to be reckoned with.

Just try to walk away from this interview without feeling inspired to take on the world.

P.S.* The movie was Asteroid City. Weird AF, but we found it quite entertaining.

But, also, weird AF.

P.P.S.** Tech gremlins (user malfunction?) caused last week's link to the Holiday Survival Guide to go to nothing. Here's the correct link. xoxo

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