A better life is one delusion away

“In for four, hold for four, out for four,” the girl at the checkout counter said, not even looking up from the cheekies she was scanning.

It was both comforting and unsettling that someone having a panic attack in line at Victoria’s Secret seemed like just another Tuesday to her.

I don’t know what burnout looks like for other people. For me, it looked like trying to pretend I wasn’t having a heart attack while buying underwear. It meant sobbing uncontrollably when a sparrow collided with the slider and took its dying breath in my hands. It manifested as declining a year’s worth of social invitations because lying convincingly about my great life required more energy than I had.

In those days, if I’d been hit by a bus, my last thought would’ve been what time to post on Instagram for the greatest chance of going viral.

Everything I did to make money took momentous effort. The freedom I had sought going into business for myself was nowhere to be found. I rationalized that staring at a computer screen for 15 hours a day without breaks proved I wasn’t a drain on society.

In my frenzy to make a living, I forgot what it meant to live.

Drink Me . . .

The Chamomile Bee's Knees is the perfect mocktail for sipping during these final dog days of summer. Light, refreshing and reminiscent of the floral notes present in the boozy version, this recipe also boasts a spell for transformation, just in time for a Back-to-School-style reset.

Curiouser and Curiouser

Ethical businesses care about sustainability. To sustain means "to carry on the way things are." But if you're paying any attention whatsoever, you know that sustainability is no longer enough. The way things are is f*cked.

What we need is regeneration. Regeneration is when you leave a place better than when you got there. This book shares insights into how to do this for the planet and for ourselves as CEOs of our businesses. It's my favorite business book I've ever read.

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I'm serious. Down the Rabbit Hole with Jennie O'Connor helps multipotentialites build lifestyles from their passions, amplify their wealth & achieve personal freedom. Go sign up for Sally's Knitting Newsletter instead.

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