Like plastic surgery, only better

I know what you're thinking, Reader.

Who's this stranger in my house?

And by house, I mean inbox.

And by stranger, I mean someone who looks a lot like an old friend who's "had some work done."

And you wouldn't be wrong; there's been a major overhaul in this corner of the Internet. Only it didn't require a scalpel and six month's salary.

My brand, Jennie O'Connor Creative, got a facelift.

From the rebranded newsletter you see above 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼

To the retired podcast, the best episodes of which will live in perpetuity as the "Best of MultiPassionate Like a Boss." I also rebranded the new iteration to look like this 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

AI has played a major role in making this rebrand easier than ever, and I realized what a boon it can be for multipassionates with myriad, constantly evolving passion projects.

If you've always wanted a sexy and sophisticated branded photoshoot but have found it impossible to realize the image in your mind, hit reply and let's talk. There's an art and a science to AI brand image creation, and I'm looking for some beta clients to hone my skills.

👀 You can see examples of my image creation in my newest project, Magickal Mocktails.

I'm so proud of this collection of healthy mocktail recipes that double as spells for transforming your life. The recipe photography is the real deal, but the brand photos show off some of my AI handiwork. If you're a fan of tasty beverages, non-alcoholic drinks that provide health benefits, or magick of any ilk, click here to be added to the email list.

If you've been around for a while, you know these changes have been a long (and painful) time coming—ever since the Great Website Debacle of 2023 nearly did me in. But I'm finally ready to show you the new blog because it's beautiful, and I'm so proud to have made it myself.

So now that's out of the way, prepare for new articles about creating personal freedom, stealing back your time and experiencing more adventure.

And if these topics are no longer your jam, feel free to unsubscribe here. I'll take my Wonderland-inspired lifestyle design and AI-generated magnificence elsewhere. No hard feelings.

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I'm serious. Down the Rabbit Hole with Jennie O'Connor helps multipotentialites build lifestyles from their passions, amplify their wealth & achieve personal freedom. Go sign up for Sally's Knitting Newsletter instead.

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