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He was NOT "the one" 🙄

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

I just booked a trip to NOLA, and this time I will not:

  • Drink hot vodka out of a flask at two in the afternoon.
  • Fall in love with a psychopath and move cross-country to be his girlfriend.
  • Lose my wallet and scramble to board a plane without ID.

Old me didn't listen too well to my hunches. My mantra back then was apparently:

If you're not experiencing cognitive dissonance, are you even living?

Six years later, my inner compass has stopped doing me dirty, though. These days, my spidey senses tell me something magical is going to happen, and I believe it. That's why this trip was proposed, decided on and planned in under two hours.

On the cheap.

Like things were just falling into place to make it a reality.

Here's what I know:

  • At the beginning of the year, I set an intention to embrace adventure and have the abundance to go wherever I'm called.
  • I'm writing a novel that takes place in New Orleans.
  • According to Neil Gaimon, fiction is all about the truth in the lie, which my brain translates to "you must go there and immerse yourself in the culture for the story to be believable."

So naturally, duty calls.

I've dubbed this action-taking in service to whatever plan sounds like the most fun thing I could possibly do "following my bliss." It's my standard operating procedure for 2024.

Mia Banducci calls it honing your "IntuWitchin." It's the topic of her new book of the same name, which can only be described as an armchair spiritual retreat and your favorite new form of self-care.

Mia is a certified word nerd, and in this episode of the podcast, she dives into the etymology of many terms that carry an emotional charge and cause polarization - the better to reclaim them. She's also whip-smart and audaciously weird, which will inspire you to fly your own freak flag.

This episode will deprogram you.

It will teach you how to push back against the patriarchy.

And it will rouse you to harness the magik inside yourself that no one told you was there for the taking.

Click here to bookmark it and save it for your evening walk.

You're welcome.

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by Jennie O'Connor

Unless you're a fan of ease, fun and fulfillment. I'm serious - my writing helps multipotentialites do work that feels like play, 4x their income and find pleasure everywhere. Go sign up for Sally's Knitting Newsletter instead.

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