Coming out of the closet

Once upon a time, I thought witches were make-believe.

If, on the off chance, they were real and secretly existed in a hidden enclave somewhere in the world, they were certainly diabolical.

That's what happens when you don't question the things you're told growing up.

So imagine my surprise when I met my first witch - a lovely young Swiss woman named Fabia, who loved French fries and cried when she read poetry out loud - at a Buddhist retreat center. Between sessions, she and I got to talking about the hero's journey and discovered we were both reading the same, very niche, non-fiction book, If Women Rose Rooted - which is described as a rallying, feminist cry for the rewilding of womanhood, reclaiming our role as guardians of the land.

I leaned in conspiratorially to whisper, "It almost seems like Sharon Blackie is a witch."

Fabia gazed at me with the purest expression in her fawn-colored eyes. "Oh, I'm a witch."


With the exception of the ex who decided I was the last woman he would ever date, no one had ever come out to me before. I may have grown up in Southern California, but it's amazing what you miss when you believe in a world without magic.

That day with Fabia pulled back a gossamer curtain and revealed a reality I never knew existed. The story of claiming the title of witch for myself (and really, much like a rescue animal, it chose me) is one hell of a yarn.

For another day.

Today, I want to talk about joy.

Because for me, meeting and understanding the Craft - which was only possible after unraveling the myths of satan worship and human sacrifice - was like meeting everything I've ever loved tied in one giant, intoxicating bow.

Reverance for nature? ✅ Check.

Botanical watercolor on tea-stained paper? ✅ Check.

Extravagant recipes made with seasonal - better yet, wildcrafted - ingredients? ✅ Check.

An abundance of unnecessary, but perfectly charming, handmade home decor that looks straight out of a Martha Stewart magazine? ✅ Check.

Books . . . so many books, an endless array of rabbit hole "crack" for a multi-passionate brain? ✅ ✅ ✅ Check, check, check.

It was almost as good as being invited to study at Hogwarts.

How could I not live like this now that I knew this existed?


People employ religion* for a variety of different things. To exert power, to feel security, to practice gratitude, to hedge their bets against the shitty things that inevitably happen in the span of a human life. For me, it's the place where I feel most at home, where I have an excuse to listen to Stevie Nicks all day, and burn incense and take baths and eat delicious things called moon cookies. It's where I feel fully realized as a powerful being, living life rather than vaguely bearing witness to it, understanding that intention and manifestation have a potent role in dream creation.

It's the culmination of decades of studying lifestyle design to realize that as long as I have a life with these things in it, I have won.

When it comes to creating the richest expression of your own life, Reader, it's about finding these very same things for yourself. It doesn't have to look like a spiritual practice.

It can be golf.

Or geocaching.

Or LARPing, which I was delighted to learn is a thing.

The important thing is to do it now, not someday. Not when you have more time. Because if you rationalize that you don't have the time right now to do what makes your heart sing, are you even living?

This week's podcast episode is all about how to find the elements that bring you this same dizzying degree of satisfaction. It's not always easy to find them. Case in point: most of us say we want more money, without digging into the real reason we believe more money would make us happy.

If we find the real reason - the touchstone, as it were - we realize we can achieve that emotional state now in advance of the financial windfall. In other words, we can love our life today, instead of someday.

That's actually my favorite thing about being a witch - the fact that the pursuit of pleasure is the whole damn point. Imagine a world where that was our raison d'etre.

When was the last time you treated yourself?

I don't have ducks. Or a row. I have squirrels. And they're everywhere.

Can you relate? If you're multi-passionate but not yet flying your flag proudly, why not treat yourself to a shiny object or two at Use code SPOOKY at check out between now and midnight on Halloween to get 10% off!

Here's What You've Missed on Multi-Passionate Like a Boss, the Podcast

Stefanie Julia is all about pressing the "easy button" on your business. She has helped over 1,500 clients lose weight and feel good in their bodies, combining a unique set of loves and talents to create her signature program. (Weight loss and travel? Sign me UP!) We discuss creating a community and automating how people find it, faster audience growth, using tripwires to sell passively, and what most online businesses aren't doing and should be. Anyone in the online business space can and should take a page from Stefanie's book. Listen here.

As a multi-passionate, it's hard to feel confident going after opportunities if you think a meandering career path makes you a less desirable hire. This episode will give you a powerful tool to tailor your resume, pitch yourself for TED talks, or simply boost your mojo if you feel inadequate standing next to the specialists in your life. Don't leave home without it.

*Not all witches consider themselves religious and/or they choose to honor the elements as deities.

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