
If you love shiny objects and use rabbit-holing as a verb, this is for you.

This will make you feel better about your life.

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

You know what's harder than herding neurodiverse cats?

Creating uplifting and inspiring content when your life is a dumpster fire.

I should know.

I'm writing this from hell, surrounded by hot, soggy spaghetti and dirty diapers. I've been here so long, I've decorated with twinkle lights that only half-work and hung a sign, written with a dried-out Sharpie, saying:

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

(I'm not dramatic. You're dramatic).

The cause of this cheerful scenario will go down in history as The Great Website Debacle of 2023, which I explain in this week's podcast episode about mental health, or my lack thereof.

In the episode, I detail a series of events so unfortunate, the only logical explanation is that they must be karmic retribution for a past life as a serial killer of puppies and babies.

Which is a shame, because I really like puppies.

And even a few babies.

But it's not all demogorgons and shit stains.

(That's the opposite of unicorns and rainbows, right? πŸ€”)

Something happens when the thing you've been building for 3.5 years gets swallowed into the ether, leaving you with zilch to show for your life.

(A life you've determined is a sham anyway, since all work and no play does, indeed, make Jack a dull boy, and being social with organisms other than your cat seems to be required).

What happens is, you stop caring about anything that isn't essential.

Like showing up on Instagram.

Or skipping a few weeks of the podcast.

(Which some guru convinced you will break your listeners' trust so badly they will all immediately unsubscribe, delete their 5-star reviews, and tell all their friends what a horrible, unreliable person you are).

All you care about now is NOT having a panic attack at Victoria's Secret and stress-buying hundreds of dollars worth of panties that make your legs look like Vienna sausages.

Because that definitely won't help.

What matters in the aftermath of your life imploding, it seems, looks a lot like what mattered when you were a kid.




Playing in the dirt.

Cuddling with the cat.

Eating something delicious, like a Nerds Blizzard, which is not weird at all.

It stops being about how much you produced in a day, and becomes about how much you experienced.

And let me tell you, friends, I like this view muuuuuuuch better.

Joy is my target now, and here are a few of the ways I'm finding it on the daily:

  • by following this IG account about a baby tortoise wearing hats and eating salads,
  • and this TikTok account of a real-life wood nymph,
  • and by listening to all Universal nudges that come in the form of billboards that say, "Don't die before you try Dave's Hot Chicken."

So hi, Reader. I'm Jennie, and though I may look familiar, I'm all about fun here now, so you're in for a few surprises.

Like an upcoming interview with a Seggs* & Intimacy Expert who specializes in how to be selfishly happy.

(*Misspelled to avoid spam filters, Mom, so no need to text me about my typo).

And tales of my shamanic journeys.

(It's still a shamanic journey if it's just me on mushrooms sitting next to a golf course water fountain, right)?

And shiny new website shenanigans - coming soon.

(Which in web designer years, means January 2025).


Meantime, here's what you missed on Multi-Passionate Like a Boss, the Podcast

​Your Customer Journey Will Make or Break Your Marketing - Join me for the first installment of The Content Creation Series, where I talk about the absolutely necessary – and often overlooked – customer journey. Without having this mapped out in advance, your marketing content will be the definition of throwing spaghetti at the wall. But if you want to dial it in and have your audience proclaiming β€œWow, she’s in my head,” Episode 102 tells you how.

​Kimberly Stargazer on Tarot (and Going Back to Simpler Times) - I had a fascinating chat with Tarot Reader, Evolutionary Astrologer & Spiritual Intuitive, Kimberly Stargazer. We discuss what a rising sign is and why it matters, which signs tend to be the most multi-passionate, what transits mean and how they can affect us, and how the symbols in tarot make complex problems easier to solve. Kimberly also gives examples of how a reading can shed light on which projects you should pursue as a multi-passionate entrepreneur. If you're woo-curious, you are going to LOVE this Episode 101!

If you love shiny objects and use rabbit-holing as a verb, this is for you.

by Jennie O'Connor

How do you survive as a Jack-of-all-trades in a specialist's world? By giving yourself permission to do everything you want and setting fire to the rules. Sign up for the only newsletter that teaches you how to thrive as a multipassionate and design the kind of life "they" said was impossible.

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